Category: Saving Money

Chicken Tenders Without Toxins

Chicken Tenders Without Toxins

My Quest for Chicken Tenders Without Toxins In my quest to provide the best to my family, and rid our bodies of consuming toxic seed oils which are no benefit to anybody. I am now making all items that we like to eat from scratch. 

Homemade Vanilla Wafers

Homemade Vanilla Wafers! They are better than store bought and there are no no seed oils! This recipe was first on __________ and since it was not originally mine, I am going to provide the ingredients below. Pls watch the video below, like, and share 

Eleven Ways to Save Money On Your Food Bill

Eleven Ways to Save Money On Your Food Bill

<h3>The sticker shocK at the grocery store, we have all seen and experienced it, the sticker shocK at the grocery store. What got you here was the interest to shave a several dollar on your food bill. What can you do? By doing a little 

Why Did I Get Up At 7am on August 29th ?

Why Did I Get Up At 7am on August 29th ?

Why did I get up at 7am on August 29th? I got up at 7am to read my power meter at the same time as the meter reader, and confirm it with a picture. I don’t know how other utilities read their customers meters but